Rogart Street Campus is the latest building in Broad Street Business Complex. We have a strong mix of artist and artisan tenants besides commercial office tenants. We have around 50 studios ranging from 100 sq ft upwards. To augment the rented studios, we have created a Gallery area on the ground floor of Rogart Street Campus and we give this gallery at nominal or nil cost for exhibition and workshop purposes to tenants and non-tenants. Most of the artists and makers who book the space take it for two weeks, hold an opening event, then leave their works on show for the remainder of the time. The gallery is alongside our Hyphenz Coffee Shop and Bistro so customers can view the art at leisure while using the cafe. Workshops are also welcome in this space. Details from
Please note: directory profiles are paid for and maintained by individual makers or craft places. Craft Scotland is not responsible for incorrect details and we have no contact details other than those provided.