

Gillian Adair

Gillian Adair


Glass, Paper Making


Ceramics, Glass, Paper, Stone, Plant fibres


I am a Scottish artist working with a range of different processes. My work begins with an exploration of what I don't know. Thinking through making gives an attention and focus to emerging connections, the enquiry and process connecting viewer and maker with materials and objects that invite investigation. It grows a desire to draw closer, to connect in understanding, reflecting on experiences from the world around us. Collaborating with other artists and academics offers new and exciting ways of sharing thinking through making and working together. With approaches that are both sympathetic but also challenging to my work, this interdisciplinarity creates an excitement by thinking across bounderies I am interested in exploring this space between ‘not knowing’ and then the ‘knowing’.

“The relation between what we see and what we know is never really settled. There is a particular relation between the present and the past. If we can see the present clearly enough we shall ask the right questions about the past”. John Berger

Connect with Gillian Adair


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