

Share your craft business and promote yourself as a destination for craft in Scotland with our Craft Directory. Become part of our community today!

Please note that new applications for makers and places to the Craft Directory are currently paused to allow for vital digital maintenance work to take place.  Applications will reopen in August 2021.

Craft Directory renewals will still take place, if you need any support please email mayanne@craftscotland.org. We will be focusing on increasing useability and improving accessibility and will return with improved maker forms and profile functionality.

Sign-up to our monthly Opportunities newsletter to stay up to date with the latest development on the Craft Directory.

The Craft Directory enables audiences to easily search and connect with craft destinations in Scotland that champion and showcase contemporary craft. This includes independent retailers, galleries and museums with a craft focus, as well as open studios and collectives. 

This is your opportunity to promote yourself as a key destination for the discovery of Scottish contemporary craft to a growing online audience that includes craft enthusiasts, consumers, collectors, makers and other industry contacts. With prominent links to your own website and social media, you can increase your online following and translate this into footfall, sales and commissions. 

You can apply quickly and easily online to join our Craft Directory using our online form. You will be asked to provide details of your business and credentials to support your application including high-resolution images. Please note, that craft organisations that provide support and services to makers may be more suited to the Craft Organisations to Know section within our Maker Community. 


You will benefit from: 

  • Join a vibrant community of makers and craft venues in Scotland
  • Reach our new online audience of visitors, buyers, curators
  • Benefit from a visually enhanced profile on our website with 10,000+ hits per month
  • Increase your venue's online following and tell your venue’s story
  • Highlight your venue with Instagram Story Takeovers to 20,000+ followers


Eligibility Criteria

  • Craft Destinations should be professional businesses that operate in Scotland and are promoting contemporary design-led craft as part of their programme
  • Craft Destinations should be endorsing at least one of the accepted disciplines within their annual calendar
  • Craft Destinations should fall into at least one of the Craft Destinations categories. These are galleries, independent retailers, museums, open access studios, studios, further education facilities or online destinations. 

If you feel your craft business does not fit into one of these specific categories please contact Craft Scotland via email hello@craftscotland.org


Craft Destinations Criteria

  • Craft Destinations should promote Scottish contemporary craft and showcase a degree of innovation
  • Craft Destinations should provide visitors with a meaningful craft experience
  • Where applicable, Craft Destinations should engage with professional craft makers 


Craft Destinations Application Statuses 

A. Eligible

The Craft Scotland team will initially assess all applications. If you meet all of the Craft Destinations and Quality Criteria and your online form supports your application you will be marked as eligible. You will then be sent your annual payment link. If there is any minor feedback the Craft Scotland team will contact you directly. After payment, your profile will go live and you are then prompted to add more images and information.

B. Non-Eligible

If you cannot meet the majority of the criteria, your application will unfortunately not be eligible to move forward and you will be provided feedback. Craft Scotland is committed to supporting the craft sector and we can support you in growing your business through our What’s On listings and Resources pages.