

Fiona Thompson

Fiona Thompson






Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 1994, I’ve been making ceramics in many locations. I undertook an M.Phil (2006-2010) the University of Sunderland. My practice has included exhibiting, teaching, community arts, national/international residencies, collaborative projects, writing for publication and commissions. For the last 9 years I’ve been running Cyan Clayworks CIC with Chris Donnelly. I focus on the handbuilt (non-functional) vessel, with multiple layered surfaces, combining traditional and contemporary processes. They are built by hand, then painted and printed with coloured slips; some have incised lines, lino-printed or mono-printed imagery. Glazes then decals are applied, made from my drawings and photographs, also metal lustres. I make work in series exploring particular themes. Much of my work is inspired by travel, tourism, souvenirs and museum display, often reflecting themes such as nostalgia, photographic ‘seeing’ and the act of being a tourist. It draws on the traditions/history of the ceramic vessel as a vehicle for narrative. Recent work made over the last year explores formal gardens and plants. Most of my projects have a basis in observation, drawing and photography. The process of creative development is as much part of the work as the finished work itself.

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