

Current Craft Scotland Research 

As the national development agency for craft, Craft Scotland is interested in examining the working models, finances and routes to market for Scottish makers so that we can target our support and be an advocate for the needs of the sector. Read a collection of our latest research projects and sector surveys. 
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact Survey - Emerging Impacts During Lockdown
The economic impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Scotland’s makers and the craft infrastructure was immediate and the effects may be evident for years to come.
Our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact Survey for Makers shows the emerging impacts of the pandemic on Scottish makers detailing; the loss of income, challenges of accessing studios/equipment and pivoting to online selling, and their experiences of the funding/grants landscape. Additionally, the Survey for Venues, Studios & Curators shows the emerging impacts of the pandemic on the Scottish infrastructure detailing; the loss of income/cash flow and the challenges of pivoting programmes. 
Looking to the next 3-12 months, respondents conveyed the potential future impact on their practice and what kind of support they might need to recover. This survey was issued on Thursday 16 April and closed Friday 22 May 2020, there was a total of 44 maker respondents and 18 craft venues, studios, organisations and curators from all across Scotland.


Online Selling Survey 2019

In 2019, Craft Scotland conducted a small research project into the positives and challenges of online selling for makers and craft venues based in Scotland. We conducted 15 interviews overall, with 11 makers and 4 craft venues. We received survey responses from 79 makers and 12 craft venues. This research was carried out in 2019 and may not reflect the online selling landscape during the Coronavirus (COVID-19).




Annual Tracking Study 2019
As the national development agency for craft, Craft Scotland is interested in examining the working models, finances and routes to market for Scotland-based makers. Read our latest sector wide survey and compare the results to previous years to see emerging trends.


Annual Tracking Study 2018

Our Annual Tracking Study 2018 follows on from Craft Scotland’s initial research State of the Sector, published in March 2017. Through these studies, we are conducting a long-term survey of makers who have interacted with Craft Scotland through our events, exhibitions and learning programme since 2014. Read on to discover the most recent statistics and trends in the craft environment and impacts on makers' creative and business practice. 

Download a PDF version of the Annual Tracking Study 2018.



State of the Sector 2017

In March 2017, Craft Scotland commissioned State of the Sector study to re-examine the craft sector in Scotland.  We were interested in investigating any changes that may have occurred since the last major sector research (Craft in an Age of Change in 2012) was published and to identify any new sector needs. 

Download a PDF version of State of the Sector 2017 study.