

Craft Week Scotland 2020

9 Nov - 15 Nov 2020

Lisa Bech / Photography by Sophie Mutevelian

Craft Week Scotland: a celebration of Scottish contemporary craft.


Across Scotland, in-person and online

A new experience from Craft Scotland, Craft Week Scotland highlighted the vibrant Scottish craft sector in the run up to Christmas 2020. This celebration took place in-person and online across Scotland from Monday 9 - Sunday 15 November 2020.


The pandemic, and subsequent lockdown period starting in March 2020 brought about many unprecedented challenges to the craft sector. With the closures of galleries, shops, studios, and universities, and many other aspects of makers’ lives being disrupted, the pandemic has had a significant impact on the sector.  


Aims & Objectives


Craft Week Scotland provided makers and craft destinations with a platform to share works and events with craft enthusiasts across Scotland and beyond. Throughout the week, Craft Scotland also hosted a series of online talks exploring the current social themes behind contemporary craft. 


One of Craft Scotland's key aims as the national development agency for craft is to promote high quality contemporary craft practice locally, nationally and internationally. We want to encourage Scotland to shop handmade and local, and we are keen to showcase this country's talented craft community. 


Craft Week Scotland Online


Craft Week Scotland was introduced with a pre-recorded video by Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture at our opening talk, Connecting Communities Through Culture on Monday 9 November 2020.  


Over 40 Associated Events were listed on our popular What's On section by makers, collectives and craft destinations, taking place across Scotland, both online and in-person. 


Craft Week Scotland on Social Media


Craft enthusiasts also joined the conversation on our InstagramTwitter and Facebook with #CraftWeekScotland.


During the week on Instagram, jeweller Olivia Taylor, textiles designer Mariam Syed and Araminta Campbell, glass artist Cressa Maclaren, and ceramics artist Kevin Andrew Morris, offered a glimpse into their practice and exclusive behind the scenes with day-long Instagram Takeover. Watch the Instagram highlight


Craft & Cultural Conversations


As well as associated events, Craft Week Scotland also presented a series of Craft & Cultural Conversations. Placing craft in a cultural context, these free talks explored current social themes with a wide range of speakers.


This programme attracted between 30 – 50 attendees at each talk. Learn more about the online talks.


As Seen In the Press


Craft Week Scotland received extensive media coverage with 35 Press articles, including The Herald, Times Alba, Scottish Field and many regional Scottish titles, featuring a wide variety of makers and craft destinations, and highlighting Craft Week Scotland’s strategic aims. 

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